Cornucopia and Uncle Billy’s Bakery will move down the tracks…or at least closer to them. The shops will move from their spot on Seminary Street, up the block to what was Depot Hobby Shop at 180 S. Seminary. The food store owned by Maury and Susan Lyon has been on the Historic Commercial District of Seminary for 28 years and before that were across the street. Susan says the move will bring with it some extra space that has been long awaited.
“Everything is difficult,” says Lyon, “because there are three front doors, three back doors, three separate basements and you know it’s hard to make it work well but we have been working on it”
But first their future landlords have some expensive work to get through. The building needs a new roof and HVAC system and they are also applying for a facade grant from the city to replace windows and other storefront issues. Cornucopia is known for their organic, natural food, particularly cheese and the bakery for having a bevy of baked good options that use only organic flour.